Gillis Silo

It should have been a great opportunity to work on photographs of music – not bands or musicians but a lofty attempt at capturing music, except for one wanna be UFC Fighter.  I am not accusing anyone of taking illegal steroids but I can state openly and honestly that there was a fleeting moment or two when I was afraid I might be the victim of roid rage.  I was asked to move away from the elite section of the stage reserved for some strange women wearing pink hats.  I was good with that. Security is important – especially mine.  But, every time I stepped away, Mr. ‘I don’t recognize social cues so please spell it out for me’ moved between me and the stage.  Finally, I said, ‘Dude, you are not that cute.  Move the fuck away from my camera if you want to quarantine me’.  He pretended he didn’t hear me so I said it louder. He was not overly cooperative but I am still alive so I guess our little battle was a tie.

I managed to catch a couple of good shots but not what I wanted. There would be no point in being a shooter if perfect shots were merely wishes and desire.


I like their song, Home, best but the live versions on Youtube are veritable insults to the auditory faculties mainly because they were shot in bars with very enthusiastic fans in range of the mic. I found a live performance that I did like from the Country Music Explosion.  It’s a great old song by Marshall Tucker and about 4.5 minutes into the song, you will understand why Jared Daigle caught my eye as a guitarist. My brother, Michael, had the Marshall Tucker CD before it was a CD. I listened to it almost every day after he died. Brings back memories.

I have never been a country music fan and I do not intend to stay in this universe long but the occasional visit to hear guys like this play is worth it.

~ by julianne2013 on 2014/08/03.

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