A Few Things You Need to Know about Clarksdale, MS

•2014/04/06 • 2 Comments

There are equal parts hope and despair in Clarksdale, MS but I think hope will win out.  There is color, music, laughter and art in abundance.  Clarksdale Blues are sadder than New Orleans and Baton Rouge blues.  I suspect that isn’t an accident.

I am more interested in days yet to come.  The all knowing eye on the wall of Ground Zero and a piano on a sidewalk remind us to be the change.  The kids with dreads, dogs and a joke for sale may be poor but they hold on to the future with a smile.  Hope is written in the corner of a mural featuring the intersection of Highway 61 (the Blues Highway) and Highway 49.  I choose to believe that the open floor plan in downtown is a project in the works and will soon be something spectacular.

Meanwhile, there are people who live in Clarksdale who do not know who Tennessee Williams is and the dwindling population of over 10 thousand over the past decade hints that those who do have long ago left.  And yet, it has everything – music, art, laughter and soon, I hope, an industry other than selling jokes for a quarter.

Family Weekend

•2014/03/18 • Leave a Comment

This happens only once a year but maybe we should up the schedule…

23 pics.

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And Now………..  this year’s winner of the worst family portrait.

Next time I try to photograph FJ’s family, there will be duct tape holding them in place.


Winter Garden

•2014/03/11 • 6 Comments

Spring lies hidden in the quiet winter gardens.


•2014/03/07 • Leave a Comment

My Sons

The Hat Collection

Click to enlarge

After the Parade

•2014/03/04 • 1 Comment

The Children

It just didn’t feel right to put the kids in the same gallery as Miley.  Here’s a couple of shots of the kids of Spanish Town.

That’s all for another year.
